Sunday, September 26, 2010

Steph's Baby Shower

Darling Readers of mine,

So I thought I should post a little update about the baby shower! It went well, not gonna lie, I was exhausted after it was all over (my new shoes defiantly added to the exhaustion!). The decorations were simple but thoughtful. It was a lot of fun, especially decorating with Mandy, Heather and mom. Mandy and I were making the Goodie line (a clothes line with baby face clothes, bibs and soothers hanging from it), and Mandy was like "I wonder if this would work for jump rope!". We all instantly got excited and me and Mandy started skipping the rope, and Heather ran and jumped in and then MOM joined! It was hilarious! Then we swapped. Seriously, I am not in shape like I used to be. And jeezzzzz, skipping without a sports bra sorta killed me! AAHAHAH. Nevertheless, it was a lot of fun! My diaper cake seemed to be a big hit. Gotta spice up the baby showers I guess, muahaha.

Anyways, for all you curious about the par-tay is was nice and simple, and was nice for everyone to be able to meet and hold Ava! Now to start getting ready for her first birthday....dum dum dum. :)
Busy bee me


Steph said...

Thank you so much! It really was so great!!!! Love you gals so much!!

Wenni Donna said...

This is very useful information on baby shower party. Recently, I arranged my niece’s baby shower party an exquisite event venue. Invited all my family and friends for this event and did arrangements for great brunch.