Friday, December 9, 2011


As per tradition:

It's exam 1/2 today! Can you believe that? Only two exams! So happy! Anyways, today is my religion exam. I don't feel ready so hopefully these next few hours will help with that....

What a crazy week I've had. First I get hit with a terrible flu. I was either in the bathroom or laying flat on my back. Not fun. Then I got a letter saying I owed the government $1400. Then future shop which has had my laptop for over a month told me they have no way of telling me when I'll ever get it back. They said 2-4 weeks and it's been 4 weeks. Sigh. Then my bass busted and I need to take it in to get fixed. Because I have money for that right.....

Blah. All in all I'm stressed but trying to stay positive and focused. I was blessed with $50 for an hour of cleaning the other day, and apparently I'm getting paid to watch some friends kids tomorrow night ( I wasn't expecting that!) so even it won't cover everything that is coming up money wise, it's still a blessing!!!

Love you guys,


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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